
SuperBowl Sunday Donations

to Sustain the Parish

Contributing to Missione Maria Ausiliatrice will enable us to continue our vital work in advancing our sacred mission of sowing faith, strengthening families and serving our community by:

  • Bringing the Good News to the community of RDP;
  • Providing a presence among those in search of meaning;
  • Providing faith education and preparation for the sacraments of Christian initiation for children, young people and those of all ages;
  • Providing resources for our religious and educational programs, retreats, workshops and other faith formation initiatives to deepen the spiritual lives of our parishioners and foster a lifelong commitment to the faith;
  • Providing spiritual accompaniment to the sick and elderly who feel isolated and need someone to talk to;
  • Preparing couples for marriage and providing accompaniment to separated or divorced people;
  • “Being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others.” Pope Francis

Together, Let’s Support the Mission of Missione Maria Ausiliatrice!

Ways to Contribute:

  1. At Mass, during the collection. Please contact the office to receive your donation envelopes which can be used on a weekly basis.
  2. Enroll in a monthly giving (select the button above: “DONATIONS to sustain the parish”)
  3. Offer a one-time donation (select the button above: “DONATIONS to sustain the parish”)


All donations are eligible to receive a tax receipt.