A Joy-filled Catholic Community


We believe that Jesus is the core of our faith. We are a Catholic community where we can grow together and experience the love of Jesus and his saving grace. We welcome you, as you are.

maria auxiliatrice

Gospel of the Day

Read the Gospel of the day for personal devotion, prayer and meditation; to prepare for mass or simply to enrich your faith each day.

catholic church mass

Faith Connections

Join one of our many faith sharing groups to meet others, learn about God and build faith connections.

growing in faith

Faith Resources

Click here to discover faith resources that can help you grow deeper in your faith.

Weekly Faith Capsule (website)

Upcoming Events and Prayer Moments

Marriage Preparation Courses

Congratulations to you both! One of the prerequisites of getting married in the church is to follow a marriage preparation course. We invite you to scroll at the bottom of this webpage and click on the "Marriage" icon to access the registration form. We look forward to journeying this very exciting time with you!

HOLY ROSARY – Online Prayer Sessions

Our online Rosary ministry resumes on January 20. If you are not sure how to pray this beautiful prayer of the church, we will teach you! This online community is open to everyone. Join us!


I biglietti sono esauriti, ma è ancora possibile assistere alla Messa bilingue delle 17.00. Unitevi a noi per celebrare l'amico dei giovani e dei poveri, San Giovanno Bosco, con i sacerdoti e le suore salesiane!

Feast of St. John Bosco

Tickets are sold out, but you can still attend the bilingual Mass at 5pm. Join us as we celebrate the friend of the young and the poor with the Salesian Priests and Sisters!

Super Bowl Watch Party

Join us for an evening of community-building, fun, and football as we come together to watch the Super Bowl in the church hall! Whether you're a football fan or just looking for a great time with friends, this event is for everyone! There will be a tailgate party in the parking lot of the church as of 3:00pm, followed by the viewing of the football game in the church as of 5:30pm. Snacks, drinks, and plenty of space to cheer on your favorite team. Don't forget to invite your friends and family! This is a community event, and we can't wait to see you there!

Faith & Family

Join our faith and family catechism program where your children will learn about their faith, meet new friends, prepare to receive their sacraments and families can participate in the life of the community.

Click the link below for all catechism updates!!

Learn About Your Faith

Stay In Touch

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