Men’s Prayer Group

Men’s Prayer Group

The Men’s Prayer Group encourages men to become better fathers, husbands and men of God by growing in knowledge of their faith and seeking Christ through prayer, scripture, and the sacraments. The group’s primary mission is to help men enrich their relationships with Jesus Christ and apply their faith to their daily lives. We welcome you to join us in our faith journey!

For more information, contact Corey Jolly at

NEXT Meeting – Friday, January 26 at 7:00 p.m.

Join our next Men’s Gathering taking place on Friday January 26 at 7:00 p.m. We will have a special guest speaker, Deacon Cory Johnson. He will speak to us about how his life experiences, including his tour of duty in Afghanistan with the Canadian military, has helped shaped his Catholic faith. The theme of the talk is No Man Left Behind.

Please join us and bring a friend or two! Open to all men 18+.