There are different opportunities to offer mass intentions for both living and deceased persons.

your faith

Mass Intentions

If you would like to offer a mass intention to offer up prayers for a deceased person, please contact the parish office for more information, including available mass times.

Mass Cards

The Sacred Heart Association – Everlasting Gift Cards

Anyone, living or deceased, may be enrolled in the Sacred Heart Association.

It is an ideal gift for a family in mourning or a wedding, anniversary, birthday or any other special occasion such as Mother’s day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Easter, etc . . .

Mass Intentions

A daily Mass will forever be celebrated in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Rome. The membership certificate is issued in an 8" by 6" leatherette album. We offer a choice of colours (white, gold, navy blue and burgundy) and holy images.

The suggested offering is $20 for each person enrolled or $25 for a family or group enrolment (2 or more people). A portion of the offering is sent to Rome for the maintenance of the Sacred Heart Basilica, built by Saint John Bosco at the explicit request of Pope Leo XIII. It was consecrated in May 1887.

The remainder of the offering is used to fund the promotion and education of priestly and religious vocations. These offerings will help young men to follow their calling to the priestly or religious life as Salesians of Saint John Bosco, serving the people of God, especially the young.

No income tax receipts are issued for Everlasting Gifts. Please contact the parish office for more details and to order a mass card.

If you would like to order a mass card in support of the prayers and good works of the Salesians of Don Bosco, please contact the Don Bosco Mission Office