To be a Catholic, you must profess the Catholic Faith in its entirety, be united in the Sacraments, and follow the Church’s teachings (e.g. the Commandments and the Church’s Precepts). While you must receive the Sacraments physically from a Catholic priest, preparation classes are required before an adult may become a Catholic. proudly offers convenient and affordable online RCIA classes to help you fulfill this important educational requirement.
RCIA is an abbreviation for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is the process by which non-Catholics enter the Catholic Faith. To become a Catholic, one must understand the teachings of the Church, believe in those teachings, and be a baptized Catholic. Those who are not baptized will study the teachings of the Catholic Church through RCIA and conclude their journey with the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism into the Church. Those who were baptized as a Protestant, will study the teachings of the Catholic Faith in RCIA and conclude their journey with their reception into the Church by a priest, which may include a conditional Baptism and a profession of the Catholic Faith.
RCIA requires not only academic preparation but also a commitment to the Church’s teachings. You must be willing to live out an authentic Catholic life and strive to imitate our Lord and live a holy life. Our course will help you know what the Church teaches and helps you live out in practice the joy of a Catholic life.
RCIA classes typically begin at parishes each year in autumn and conclude before Easter, with Baptisms taking place at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday.
Our Adult Faith Formation Program fulfills the requirements of RCIA classes by covering the Holy Scriptures (Old & New Testament), the Theology of the Mass & the Sacraments, the Articles of the Creed, Christian Morality, the Ten Commandments, and Prayer.
Should I Become Catholic?
Absolutely! The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus Christ Himself and the one true Church – outside of which there can be no salvation. If you are considering RCIA, you take an extremely important step for your own salvation and we rejoice in this and are here to help you in your Faith formation. There is nothing else more important for your salvation than to receive the Sacraments and live a life in the state of grace!